Why Your Smart Home Should Be Professionally Installed

A modern bathroom with a touch screen mounted on the wall displaying a Crestron smart home interface.

Whole-Home Automation Is Not a Simple DIY Project 

Whole-home automation was once a distant possibility seen only in sci-fi movies. But today, devices like smart lights and thermostats are readily available in stores like Best Buy. Unfortunately, homeowners who buy these gadgets expecting to create a smart home often end up disappointed. 

Why? DIY smart homes often create a headache of incompatible and disjointed systems that feel like more trouble than they’re worth. But that doesn’t mean a sophisticated, intelligent home system isn’t a possibility. You just need to work with a professional who knows the technology better than anyone. 

When you hire a smart home company, they’ll integrate all your home devices into one unified system. Here in Yuma, AZ, Wow Electronics is that company. If you’re still tempted to DIY, let us compare off-the-shelf solutions with professional whole-home automation.  

SEE ALSO: 3 Ways to Make the Most of Outdoor Audio 

The Downside of DIY 

Whole-home automation offers endless opportunities, including multi-room audio, smart security, and color-tunable lighting. However, if these components all use separate apps or remotes, you’re going to end up frustrated and confused. 

DIY smart devices can be tricky (and sometimes impossible) to integrate into one system like Google or Apple. You may end up exiting your ‘Google Home’ app to access your security system devices or switching remotes for a different brand of smart lights. And if you build a web of devices on your own, you won’t have anyone to call if you get tangled in technical issues. 

A Professionally-Installed Smart Home 

A real smart home should work in perfect harmony. Each piece—lighting, shading, entertainment—has its own function but communicates through a central ‘brain.’ The ‘brain’ i.e., the home controller, sends and receives commands to every room and even lets you control the house remotely. 

Premium home controllers like Crestron Home are only available through certified dealers. DIY systems like Google Home can’t comprehend the sophistication and complex logic that Crestron offers, including automations and schedules customized with pinpoint precision. 

For instance, if your car pulls into the driveway after dark and no lights are on, your house will know to turn on your preferred indoor and outdoor lights to the perfect color and brightness settings. But if the lights are on and someone’s already home? It won’t mess with the lighting setting already on. 

High-end smart homes ‘know’ your preferences and routines, so the lights, shades, and thermostats are always set for the perfect mood. And if you ever want to expand the system, your smart home installer is only a call away. 

Interested in Whole-Home Automation? 

Whether you want to DIY your smart home or hire a professional is ultimately your choice. But if you want a luxurious system that works in perfect harmony—and if you don’t have the time to install it yourself—you’d be better off hiring a smart home company. 

In Yuma, AZ, Wow Electronics is your destination for all smart home solutions. Contact us here to start your home project today! 

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